Sunday, 3 May 2009
Last blog, summative blog
Sex? female
What is your degree subject (both if joint)? Philosophy and psychology
Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking? yes
If so, how? And if not, why not? because it raises questions that i should be thinking about like how people behave in society and philosophical questions like is it acceptable to allow these types of badness in a so-called moralistic world.
Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level? at first i thought it was a little easy because of the word count for the other two assignments, but after receiving a poor grade for it and knowing i worked hard i realised the module must be on the harder side
Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate?defeniatly although i think smoking was a little outdated moe lectures should have involved what the first two lectures were saying about what it is too be bad
Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included? bad manners could have been covered
Do you think that the format for classes has worked well? not really the setoutallowed too many people to talk over the lecture and not get involved in any group disussions considering it was such an interesting module a class room may be better for this type of lecture.
What did you think of the module team? they were fabulous teachers as they gave detailed and interesting accounts of the module that were always well detailed if i wanted to find out more.
Do you think it would have been better to have had more:
Small group discussions? no this would have just been time consuming and not letting people hear everyone's view on the subject it would have been boring to voice views to no-one with an opinion to oppose it.
Discussion and debate among the class as a whole? definately, reference to certain peoples blog's could have also been a good thing to discuss
Information and talk from lecturers? i think we had enough information
The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module? yes because it allows the more creative people to get a good grade
Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea? yes because in discussion people are coming from different view points
Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module? personally i dont think i would have because i prefere to write essay's but i did like having lecturers from different backgrounds
Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter? yes because it makes the module more interesting
Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2? definatley
Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend? yes i have been already
Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea? yes because it allows people like myself with other responsibilities to still get a good grade because the work i spread out and managable.
What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)? no i liked the way it was set out because the blogs is quite a big assignment
What have you learned from the module? firstly what a blog is, most importantly i found lessons can be funny and interesting the masturbation section i knew would be a great topic and after reading the literature that was given to us it can be seen that the subject can be quite serious
What parts of the module have you found most useful and why? watching kids although it was quite boring at the begining, was very educational all topics made me look at people in a different way and made me evaluate why they are acting bad and if it really is bad behaviour or jus not what norm want
What parts do you think were a waste of time and why? none
Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’? just that i really enjoyed it and i am looking forward to the level two version.
Thursday, 16 April 2009
global warming?
Monday, 13 April 2009
bad landlords
Sunday, 12 April 2009
bad egg
Saturday, 11 April 2009
lying with no intention
Thursday, 9 April 2009
kinky, how bad will you be to get your kicks?
Monday, 6 April 2009
legalising drugs?
Sunday, 5 April 2009
bad bart
Bart is the badboy character in simpsons, as recognized in the episode where he became a member of a pop group because the girls like a bad boy. bart is in mischeif every episode, so is it right to have so many children wanting to follow in his footsteps. he isn't acedimically clever but stil gets friends and girlfriends form being funny and naughty is this setting viewers a good example? bart does however get punished by being strangled but again do we want children to think this is the right consequence of their actions? although simpons ius hillarious it is a bad programme as it influences too many people like children to be naughty and parents to physically discipline their children. (did you know bart's name was intentionally made as an anagram of brat) (how bart gets girls like the vicars daughter)
Saturday, 4 April 2009
religion bad?!
Thursday, 2 April 2009
Body modifications (essay on negative views) (another essay are body modifications cool or controversial?)
Monday, 30 March 2009
i personally still think it is wrong to abort a child just because they may have learning difficulties especially if you actually tried to get pregnant. (see my blog: i agree with you and it is true 95% of abortions are because the female doesn't want to be pregnant this is excluding violent relationships, incest and rape. how can women be so careless and get pregnant and not own up to their responsibility and have the child. it's not as if their isn't enough condoms out there even in the credit cunch there still free. there are many people out there that would love to have children but can't why don't pregnant women think about adopting their child to a loving family. altough i am against abortion 100% there is still a positive that unwanted children aren't brought in the world to be abused because that's exactly what will happen to the child if the mother doesn't want them. we are focusing too much on women and their bodies anyway what about if the man doesn't want to kill his child and will look after the baby after pregnancy? can't we allow the man to have his say? men have right in abortion)
inspired by abortion, designer babies (basic explination of the concept 'designer babies') (positives using technology that produces designer babies) (designer baby examples mentioned in my blog, USA actually do this)
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
tattoo part 2
just like in the image china has stolen the western fast food culture of macdonald's, but is this really stealing or just swapping and advancing our own culture. it may be seen as swapping because estern cultures also sell and enjoy chinese food. it is also advancing our culture because we learn different tastes. so can the same apply to tattoo's, why do the the maori's take 'ta moka' as being only acceptable for there culture isn't it bad that they wont share not that we have stolen. obviously i loses some meaningin maori culture it can tell people there name where they come from, who there family is and what their famous for, so obviously it loses some meaning when westerners copy designs but isn't the same message being delivered that by doing this is part of our identity, who we are, what we believe in. how can expressing your self be so bad if your not harming anyone? (anoher example of stealing culture) of stealing tattoos within the same culture)
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
tattoo part 1 (good source)
this may be a positive aspect but does it ancel out the hurt caused displayed in these songs, a lot of people singing about this are generally distressed and upset about what has caused them to write their songs. should we be exploiting there pain so we can have a party (with their music)aren't we just s bad as the cheater, they must be wrighting their music to make other people aware of the badness out there not to fund hmv.
Thursday, 19 March 2009
this example is perfect to show bad behaviour how can a business expect someone to pay so much for six weeks even 85 is a lot considerin there not doing anything because the oils they are using that produce the gas are naturally found on earth which belongs to everyone. i luckily to am moving out but dont have to pay no gas just electric so hopefully that will be one less bill unless my electric prices look similiar to your first bill. im glad you are good enough to share the dangers of these businesses.
i know we all choose to come to university because we want to learn but knowing that a lecture is going to be longer but still squeezing it into a small gap is still bad behaviour. no names but a lecturer told students that they knew the lesson would take 3 hours but tried to squeeze it in a two hour lesson, why? loads of people need to getchild minders or go to work but if we dont stay for the lecture then we are unable to hand in our assignment, this is a great example of misleading and definately bad behaviour. this is irresponsiblity on the lecturers part. (what is misleading) (more extreme cases of misleading, when does it become lying?)
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
eating pork
the problem's of marijuana aren't as noticible in the short term but long term they do lead to a lot of long term problems like paranoia , schizophrenia and dimentia so just making it legal will be condemning their children to a life of misery having to look after an ill parent.
Monday, 16 March 2009
kids, the movie
this is a fantastic film great if you enjoyed cruel intentions same kind of plot, teenagers sex lives, how boys only crave one thing, but kids has a briallant twist that makes the audience aware about the risks of HIV.
this film is the definition of bad from lying all the way to raping. the main character only wants to sleep with virgins little does he know that he is spreading round HIV, one of the girls he slept with luckily goes to get herself checked out because she wants to keep her erm lets say permiscouis friend company and discovers what he has spread she tries to stop him before its too late but its too late. and she ends up getting raped because she is too drugged up to stop it the disease has spread to another person.
the real badness is that people wern't educated to the dangers of unprotected sex, this lead to a potential deadly disease getting spread because HIV urns to aids which kills alot of people the film itself isn't bad as it makes people more aware of how kids actually live their lives which mean kids that watch it could see the risks they are taking and informs adults how to deal with kids. (maybe by not keeping money in the same hiding place so they can rob it) (all about the film) (trailer about the film doesn't tell you much but shows basically the whole film)
i agree with you totally i jut don't get how people can continue to lie when they have bben caught out. when children are learning they never actually think it is wrong to do that they actually know it is wrong they have been caught and next time are usually more sneaky so may get away with it. so if we as adults realise we have been caught just like the child why cant we admit it then evolve and next time tell better lies so we don't get caught, or better yet why don't we just act like adults and appologise. some people mut be believing their own lies not knowing what is truth and reality compared to the life of lies, like you said they think they are in control when really the lie has taken over. this is explicit bad behaviour but is misleading the same as lying? they both have the same effect especially to the person being lied to or mislead. why is it that anybody needs to lie at all even white lies when you say your friend's ass don't look big in that dress why ask the question if you don't want an honest response. is it that people crave to be lied to don't we like living in a dream world, isn't this why we watch soap's , t.v and films. isn't just as bad not lying to someone that wants to be lied to , andlying to someone that don't want to be lied to?
Saturday, 14 March 2009
firstly to say that it is too much for young people to handle is the worst type of badness, predjudice. especially how the facts state people aged 24-35 are most likely to have a one-night stand while in a relationship.,,818356,00.html
isn't the worst form of betrayl actually harming your spouse this is much worse then having an affair with another person? doesn't the person in the violent relationship have the right to look for love elsewhere definatley how their too scared to leave their partner either for the kids sake or their own well-being. too look at infedility in such a black and white wa is just as bad as the people cheating everyone has their excuses they may be invalid but they should at least be heard and judged after.
Thursday, 12 March 2009
got no manners, both elbows on the table
to say stalking is an obsessive behaviour maybe over the top would you call the little lady across the street a stalker if everytime you go out of your house you notice her watching you, couldn't it be coincidence? but if it was a dirty looking man probably with a beard it would be easier to assign the title of a stalker. when do you draw the line between being a stalker and being considerate.
if your father or mother was always asking where you are going checking your phone sometimes even meeting or following you, you wouldn't call them a stalker just say they are concerned about your welfare. isn't it just as bad calling someone a stalker who actually isn't.
i'm not saying stalking is write but people need to open their eyes about what stalking is usually if not a sexual stalking the person is just following the other person because they are intrested in them. if we all looked out for each other like this the world would be a better place. (a study into the outcomes of stalking)
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
It is questionable whther we were made monogomus from an evolutional point of view all apes which are closest to us in genes are very premiscious. even biologically men have 3 different forms of serm one of which destroys other male sperm doesn't this indicate cheating is a natural inclination.
i myself haven't cheated and believe like you that it is bad but only because of our social setting we think this. It is emphasised that monogomous relationship are good in our culture and bigamy is actually punishable by prison sentence there religions like mormons that encourage a male to have multiple partners it is questionable whether this is adultery ecause they know and even lie with eac other but isnt this still bad not being commited to one person.
Thursday, 5 March 2009
the media has changed having a less negative input on people's appearence especially now how there is loads of t.v programmes about how to look good in your own skin and getting a nice curvy body. people who do read the celeb mags full of dieting usually are the ones unhappy with their own lives so are cheering themselves up by looking at a false reality, this sense of disappointment in their own lives leads to them developing eating disorders. anorexia involves loads of symptoms that have no resemblence to the so-called media cause. im not denying it might just push those people over the edge but it could never be the only cause or everybody would be anorexia because we are all presented with the 'lets be skinny' moto. anorexia is usually uncontroable many people with this disease do actually want to be normall have children go out to lunch with their friends but something is stopping them, how can this be bad behaviour if it is unitentional. even as a generalisation or collective way as you put it it can't be bad many people with anorexia inspire people not to get it or allow them to recover from this state by seeing the negatives, so how is it a potential harm.
how is that an unfaithful person doesn't expect the dirty to be done on them, they must obviously think it is morally right/acceptible to hurt someone like that if they didnt think it was right why else would they do it theres cases when girls get sex and love and affection of the partners everday yet they still go out and cheat. what are they doing it for? Wern't they satisfied?Kant said with his universal law do what can be good if everybody in the world was doing it, cheating is obviously not good if everybody was doing it imagine all the people around you that would have aids or sti's, there would be no point in trust. Why do people feel the need to hold on to their partners just incase things go wrong with their lover, it happens all the time in the dear diedre stories. partners need to realise their commitment to their partner just be honest your partner might be doing the same. (funny pictures aswel)
freedom to wank Vs sharing semen
"University bans Student Masturbation
Durham University has banned Masturbation in showers in dormitories. The University is based in the U.K. Check out the notice placed by the University’s Estates and Buildings director prohibiting Masturbation in the showers."
what is more bad taking away someone's freedom to masturbate where and when they want or people masturbating in a shared facility? or are they as bad as each other? my personal view is that the latter is disguisting imagine going to the shower in halls to get clean but your really standing in someone elses semen isn't that reason enough to take away someone's freedom to jack-off wherever they want.
this leads to further problemscan bad behaviour be justified- an eye for an eye just makes everyone blind. (click on this website to see full picture the text is hillarious)
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
masturbation part 2
masturbation (this website actually apposes my theory but does show good arguments from people that actually agree with me)
Saturday, 28 February 2009
i to watch shameless and cant believe the storylines, the new heights of bad behaviour they reach is extrodinary how many ways can they portray different types and scenes of adultery yet in everyone there is rarley any consequences. last week showed how the mom was able to have an affair to get the caravan fixed but no side effects nobody even found out. this programme seems to somewhat gratifies adultery but when you watch programmes like jeremy kyle things like this actually isn't this like you commented just showing us how some people live their lives, although im not sure everyone would make the same choices if in that situation as most of us have a conscious, so it isn,t the environment or parents just personality choice.
Thursday, 26 February 2009
prostitution may just save your life think of all the men that go to prostitutes would you rather them being sexually excited round you because wouldn't a man with a hard penis is a terrible threat to women that say no, rape rates are bound to rise if there was no prostiton. of course the business of prostition has down falls like child trafficing but at least they are earning money. it seems wrong to make judgements about people's life choices, thoose people that choose and are proud to be prostitutes often are the cleaner one's that realise about the threats to there health and protect themselves, a prostitute on trisha went as far too get sterlised to avoid unexpected pregnancy because she was and wanted to be a prostitute, prostitutes may think they are respecting themselves by sharing there body to please others and all the sex definately keeps there body in shape. how can this be bad behaviour if the are actually doing good i personaaly dont agree with it as i think sex should only be shared with a partner but isn't it the person choice if they need to do it because its the only way of living a finacially pleasing life.
prostitution may just save your life think of all the men that go to prostitutes would you rather them being sexually excited round you because wouldn't a man with a hard penis is a terrible threat to women that say no, rape rates are bound to rise if there was no prostiton. of course the business of prostition has down falls like child trafficing but at least they are earning money. it seems wrong to make judgements about people's life choices, thoose people that choose and are proud to be prostitutes often are the cleaner one's that realise about the threats to there health and protect themselves, a prostitute on trisha went as far too get sterlised to avoid unexpected pregnancy because she was and wanted to be a prostitute, prostitutes may think they are respecting themselves by sharing there body to please others and all the sex definately keeps there body in shape. how can this be bad behaviour if the are actually doing good i personaaly dont agree with it as i think sex should only be shared with a partner but isn't it the person choice if they need to do it because its the only way of living a finacially pleasing life.
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
the cheats never want to be cheated
I think the problem with sex shops is that people think they are being watched so are embarrased to go in. you seem to show that you would be comfortable in a sex shop because you like me dont see a reason why we shouldn't go in. typically people can only define bad behaviour by comparing them to the ordinary and if they think people don't go in sex stores neither will they because they don't want to be odd, but when they realise that the shops are obviously getting customers otherwise it would be closed down (especially in the credit crunch) there may be a sex revolution and im sure the majority will then visit these sex shops. if your lucky you could be the person behind the counter.
Thursday, 19 February 2009
in the public domain