Children nowadays are the rudest little things yet their parents think its cute having a two-year old saying 'i don't care man' and 'frickin hell' this is not something we as a society should be laughing about. The websites give possible reason's for this, like the lack of time parents spend with their children, if this is true where are these mini terror's getting their rudness from?
Another problem is how can so many people not know the definition of please and thank-you, too many people are rushing around barging into each other with no or little respect to each other. how can people in a society be so detatched from each other. This is true bad manners.
the worst thing in the world if you ever have to experience it is getting on a bus with a pyshchair, why does nobody want to move when it clearly states prioty seats to pushchair users. it was even worse having to stand up with a large pregnant bump, nobody thought about giving up their seat.
how did the world become so bad?
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