Wednesday, 25 February 2009

the cheats never want to be cheated

how is that an unfaithful person doesn't expect the dirty to be done on them, they must obviously think it is morally right/acceptible to hurt someone like that if they didnt think it was right why else would they do it theres cases when girls get sex and love and affection of the partners everday yet they still go out and cheat. what are they doing it for? Wern't they satisfied?Kant said with his universal law do what can be good if everybody in the world was doing it, cheating is obviously not good if everybody was doing it imagine all the people around you that would have aids or sti's, there would be no point in trust. Why do people feel the need to hold on to their partners just incase things go wrong with their lover, it happens all the time in the dear diedre stories. partners need to realise their commitment to their partner just be honest your partner might be doing the same.

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